- 1592 Restaurant
- 1937 Reading Room
- Academic Registry
- Accommodation Office
- Admissions Office
- Advanced Materials Science
- Alumni Relations
- Alumni/Proctors'/Seanad ElectoralOffice
- Anatomy
- Arches (The Arches)
- Arts Faculty (Humanities)
- Arts Faculty (Letters)
- Arts Technology Research Laboratory (ATRL) (units 13-14)
- Atrium
- Audio Visual Media Services
- Beckett Centre
- Berkeley Library
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry, Immunology and Microbiology
- Biology Teaching Centre
- Boathouse
- Bologna Desk
- Book of Kells
- Botanic Gardens (Dartry)
- Botany
- Buildings Office
- Bursar's Office
- Business - Pearse Street
- Buttery
- Careers Advisory Service
- Catering
- Central Societies Committee
- Centre for Academic Practice and Student Learning (CAPSL)
- Chaplains
- Chemistry
- Children Research Centre
- Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
- Classics
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clinical Medicine
- Clinical Microbiology
- Clinical Speech & Language Studies
- CMA (Centre for Microscopy and Analysis)
- College Green, 3
- College Green, No.5
- College Health Service
- Common Room
- Communications Office
- Community Health & General Practice
- Computer Science - ICTLAB
- Computer Science and Statistics - Lloyd
- Computer Science and Statistics - O'Reilly
- Copying Service
- CRANN - Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (units 27-29)
- Day Nursery
- Deaf Studies
- Dean of Students
- Dental Hospital
- Dental School Office
- Dental Science
- Dining Hall
- Director of Buildings' Office
- Disability Service
- Douglas Hyde Gallery
- Drama and Theatre Studies
- Drama, Film and Music
- Dublin University Central Athletic Club (D.U.C.A.C.)
- Economics
- Education
- Electronic & Electrical Engineering - AAP
- Electronic & Electrical Engineering - Printing House
- Employment Research Centre
- Engineering
- English
- Enquiries Office
- Enviromental Science Unit
- Environment
- Equality Office
- European Studies
- Examinations Office
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Fees Office
- Freedom of Information Office
- French
- Front Square
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Genetics
- Geography
- Geology
- Germanic Studies
- Global Health
- Global Relations
- Global Room
- Graduate School Engineering Studies
- Graduate Studies Office
- Graduates Memorial Building
- Haematology
- Hamilton Library
- Hazardous Materials Facility
- Health Policy Management
- Hebrew, Biblical & Theological Studies
- Hispanic Studies
- Histopathology & Morbid Anatomy
- Histories and Humanities
- History
- History of Art
- Hospital, St. Jame's
- Hospital, Tallaght
- Housekeeping
- Human Resources
- Immunology
- Immunology (Clinical)
- Institute for International Integration Studies
- Internal Audit
- International Office
- Irish and Celtic Languages
- Irish Language Officer
- Irish School of Ecumenics
- Irish School of Ecumenics
- IT Service Desk
- IT Services
- Italian
- John Stearne Medical Library
- Junior Dean
- Language and Communications Studies
- Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
- Launderette
- Law
- Lecky Library
- Library Shop
- Library, John Stearne Medical
- Linguistic, Speech and Communication Studies
- Luce Hall
- Mail Office
- Management Science & Information
- Map Library
- Mathematics
- Mature Students Office
- Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
- Medical Gerontology
- Medicine
- Microbiology
- Microscopy and Analysis
- Music
- National Institute for Intellectual Disability (NIID)
- Natural Resources Development Centre
- Natural Sciences
- Naughton Institute
- Neurosciences
- New Square
- Nursing and Midwifery
- Nutrition and Dietetic Studies
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Occupational Therapy
- Office of the Chief Operating Officer
- Oifigeach na Gaeilge
- Oscar Wilde Centre for Irish Writing
- Paediatrics
- Panoz Institute
- Pearse Street, 187
- Pearse Street, 188
- Pearse Street, 190
- Pearse Street, 199
- Pearse Street, 200/1
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Philosophy
- Physics (SNIAM)
- Physiology
- Physiotherapy
- Playing Fields, Santry
- Political Science
- Proctors' Office
- Procurement
- Provost's Office
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Public Health and Primary Care
- Public Theatre
- Quality Office
- Radiation Therapy
- Registrar's Office
- Religions and Theology
- Residence, Front Square 2
- Residence, Front Square 3
- Residence, Front Square 7
- Residence, Front Square 8
- Residence, Front Square 9
- Residence, Goldsmith Hall
- Residence, New Square 38
- Residence, New Square 40
- Residence, Pearse Street
- Riada House
- Russian and Slavonic Studies
- Safety, Health and Welfare
- Samuel Beckett Centre
- Santry Playing Fields
- Science
- Science Gallery
- Secretary's Office
- Senior Lecturer's Office
- Senior Tutor's Office
- SFI Trinity Nanoscience Laboratory
- Smurfit Institute of Genetics
- Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Social Work and Social Policy
- Sociology
- Sport Centre
- St. Anne's Hospital
- Stationery Store
- Stearne Medical Library
- Student Counselling Service
- Student Records
- Students' Union
- Surgery
- Telecommunications Value-chain Research
- The Lir (units 33-35)
- Therapeutic Radiography
- Treasurer's Office
- Trinity Access Programme
- Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI)
- Trinity Foundation
- Trinity Hall
- Trinity Innovation
- TrinityHaus
- Ussher Library
- Vice-Provost's Office
- Web Design
- Women's Studies, Centre for
- Zoology
Lecture Theatres
- Anatomy Lecture Theatre
- Beckett Theatre (Drama)
- Biochemistry/Teaching Laboratory
- Biology Lab 1
- Biology Lab 1+2
- Biology Lab 2
- Biology Lab 3
- Botany Lecture Theatre
- Boydell Recital Room (Music)
- Chemistry Advanced Lab
- Chemistry Freshman Lab
- Computer Science Experimental Room
- Computer Science Experimental Room
- Computer Science Laboratory
- Conference/Board Room
- Dance Studio (Drama)
- Demonstrating Room (Civil Engineering)
- Dissecting Room
- Dorothy Stopfort Price Seminar Room (Health)
- Drawing Office
- Edmund Burke Theatre - Room 1008
- Electronics
- General Teaching Laboratory (Microbiology)
- Genetics/Science
- Geography Lecture Theatre (Geography)
- Geography Practical Room (Geography)
- Goldsmith
- Histology Teaching Lab (Physiology)
- JF1 (Physics)
- JF2 (Physics)
- JM Synge - Room 2039
- Joly Lecture Theatre
- Karen Woodson Teaching Lab (Genetics)
- Language Lab
- Large Lecture Theatre (Chemistry)
- Large Lecture Theatre (Physics)
- Lecture Room (Anatomy)
- Lecture Room (Biochemistry)
- Lecture Room (Drama)
- Lecture Room (M. Ed.) 4035
- Lecture Room 3051
- Lecture Room 3071
- Lecture Room 3074
- Lecture Room 3106
- Lecture Room 3126
- Lecture Room 4047
- Lecture Room 4050A
- Lecture Room 4050B
- Lecture Room 5025
- Lecture Room 5039
- Lecture Room 5052
- Lecture Room E - 11 (Law)
- Lecture Room H-12 (Law)
- Lecture Theatre 1 (Salmon) Maths
- Lecture Theatre 1 (Synge) Maths
- MacNeill Lecture Theatre 3
- Maxwell Lecture Theatre 5
- Mechanical Laboratory
- Moyne Lecture Theatre (Microbiology)
- Museum
- Museum 17
- Museum 20
- Museum 21
- Museum 4
- Oscar Wilde House
- Parsons Lecture Theatre
- Pathology Laboratory
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab
- Pharmaceutical Dispensary
- Pharmacognosy Lab
- Pharmacology Demonstration Theatre
- Pharmacology Lab
- Pharmacy Lecture Theatre - Fidelma 2024
- Pharmacy/Science
- Physics/Chemistry Lab
- Psychology Department
- Robert Emmet Theatre - Room 2037
- Robert Smith Lecture Theatre
- Salmon Lecture Theatre
- Science EE Mac Lab
- Science Lecture Theatre
- Seminar Room
- Seminar Room
- Seminar Room
- Seminar Room
- Seminar Room (Environmental Science)
- Seminar Room (Mechanical)
- Seminar Room B (Geography)
- Small Lecture Theatre (Chemistry)
- SPLT for available for 9899
- Swift Lecture Theatre - Room 2041A
- Synge Lecture Theatre
- Teaching Lab (Environmental Science)
- Teatar M.Ui Chadhain - Room 2041B
- Thomas Davis - Room 2043
- Undergraduate Seminar Room (Psychology)
- William Fetherstone Montgomery Theatre
- William Hayes Seminar Room
- William James MacNeven Seminar Room
- Womens Studies Seminar Room
- 1 College Green
- 1/2 South Leinster St
- 10 Westland Row
- 11 Westland Row
- 12 Westland Row
- 13 Westland Row
- 14 Westland Row
- 15 Westland Row
- 16 Westland Row
- 17 Westland Row
- 18 Westland Row
- 183-6 Pearse Street
- 187 Pearse Street
- 188 Pearse Street
- 189 Pearse Street
- 19 Westland Row
- 190 Pearse Street
- 191 Pearse Street
- 192 Pearse Street
- 193 Pearse Street
- 1937 Reading Room
- 194 Pearse Street
- 196/7 Pearse Street
- 198 Pearse Street
- 199 Pearse Street
- 20 Lincoln Place
- 20 Westland Row
- 200/1 Pearse Street
- 202 Pearse Street
- 203 Pearse Street
- 204 Pearse Street
- 205 Pearse Street
- 21 Westland Row
- 23 Westland Row
- 24 Westland Row
- 26 Temple Lane
- 27 Westland Square
- 27-29 Westland Row
- 28 Westland Row
- 29 Westland Row
- 3 College Green
- 3/4 Foster Place
- 3/4 South Leinster St
- 30 Westland Row
- 30-34 Anglesea Street
- 31 Westland Row
- 36 Fenian Street
- 5 College Green
- 5/6 Foster Place
- 5/7 South Leinster St
- 7-9 Leinster Street South
- 8 Westland Square
- Anatomy Building
- Aras an Phiarsaigh
- Arch No 1 (Micro-Computers)
- Arch No 2 (Wet Lab)
- Arch No 3 (Botany)
- Arch No 4 (Computer Science)
- Arch No 5 (Computer Science)
- Arts Building
- Beckett Centre 202-205 Pearse St.
- Biochemistry Building
- Boat Club
- Boiler House
- Botany Bay East
- Botany Bay North
- Botany Hut
- Botany School
- Campanile
- Central Pathology Lab
- Chapel
- Chemistry Building
- Chief Stewards House
- Civil Engineering Building (Old)
- College Park
- Computer Science - PC Hut
- Day Nursery
- Dental School
- Dining Hall
- Dunlop Oriel House
- East Chapel
- East End Development 4/5
- East Theatre
- Eavan Boland Library
- Examination Hall
- Fellows' Square
- Fitzgerald Building (Physics)
- G.M.B.
- Goldsmith Hall
- Hamilton Building
- Hospital St. Anne's
- Hospital, Coombe Women's
- Hospital, Rotunda
- Hospital, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear
- Hospital, St. Luke's
- Hospital, St. Patrick's
- House 1
- House 10
- House 11
- House 12
- House 13
- House 14
- House 15
- House 16
- House 17
- House 18
- House 19
- House 2
- House 20
- House 22
- House 23
- House 24
- House 25
- House 26
- House 27
- House 28
- House 3
- House 30
- House 33
- House 34
- House 35
- House 36
- House 37
- House 38
- House 39
- House 4
- House 40
- House 47
- House 48
- House 49
- House 5
- House 50
- House 51
- House 52
- House 6
- House 7
- House 8
- House 9
- Innovation Centre
- Library Square
- Lloyd Institute
- Luce Sports Hall
- Moyne Institute
- Museum Building
- Naughton Institute
- New Square
- O Reilly Institute
- Old Library
- Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin
- PAC Hut
- Parliament Square
- Parsons Building
- Pavilion
- Physics Lawn/Square
- Physiology Building
- Printing House
- Printing House Square
- Provost's House
- Provost's House Stables
- Regent House
- Residence, Pearse St
- Residence, Rubrics
- Rugby Ground
- Santry Book Repository
- Santry Lodge
- Santry Pavilion
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - D'Olier Street
- Secretary's Office Annex
- Simon Perry Building
- Sir Patrick Dun Lab
- SNIAM, Sami Nasr Institute of Advanced Materials (Physics)
- Sport Centre
- St James's Hospital
- St Patricks Hospital
- St. Lukes Hospital
- St. Vincents Hospital
- Stack B
- Staff Office Hut
- Student Health
- Tallaght Hospital
- Telephone Exchange
- Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute Building
- Trinity Business School
- Trinity Central
- Trinity Centre
- Trinity Hall
- Trinity Long Room Hub
- Trinity Technology & Enterprise Centre
- Ussher Library
- Watts Building
- West Chapel
- West Theatre
- Zoology Building